Dehydration is a condition that results from excessive water loss from the body such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, infection, and diuretics.
Some causes are heart failure, medications, dementia, depression, hypertention, fear of incontinence, fever, diarrhea, and renal (kidney) failure.
Caregiver Hot Tips
As a caregiver it is important to provide adequate intake for the individual. This can be done by having an empty 64 ounce juice container and filling it with water. As you give the individual 8 ounces of fluid you remove 8 ounces from the container. This way you have an accurate amount of fluid given to the individual during the day.
The use of Gatorade is helpful in treatment of dehydration.
It is also important to have some way to measure output. A large measuring cup could be gotten at the Dollar store and used for the purpose of only measuring output.
The individual’s weight should also be monitored for loss of 5 pounds or more the doctor should be called.
The use of a bedside commode to prevent injury due to fatigue when an individual is dehydrated is helpful.
If the individual is bed bound frequent turning is important and areas over boney prominence should be rubbed with lotion to try to prevent skin breakdown.
To check for dehydration the skin can be pinched and released to see if the skin returns to its normal state.
Check for clear, light amber colored urine.
Dark urine with a foul odor should be reported to the doctor.
Check for moist skin and moist mucous membrane in the mouth. If it is not moist this could be an indication of dehydration and the doctor should be called.
Keep an account of how much vomiting and or diarrhea the individual has had and report this to the doctor.
It is important to keep appointments for follow up doctor visits and blood studies this will help to prevent recurrence.