Individuals with any cardiac diagnosis such as angina, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, heart failure, hypertension and myocardial infarction.
Blood flow through the arteries is decreased or obstructed, irregularity in heart beat, destruction of heart tissue, prevents the heart from pumping blood, increase in blood pressure and decreased blood flow to the heart causing a thrombus to form in the muscle.
Caregiver Hot Tips
Caregivers should understand the importance of following the instruction set up by the doctor for the care and possible change of lifestyle for the individual.
Avoid strenuous activity such as climbing stairs.
If living conditions are not on one floor stairs should be done once daily.
If no bathroom on first floor a commode can be used.
Frequent rest periods during the day.
When doing morning care the individual can sit in a chair at the sink to wash.
When shaving the individual can also sit at the sink and rest their arm while performing the task.
Assistance should be given when the individual is dressing as shortness of breathe can occur.
This would be the time to have a rest period before continuing continuing to the next task.
If daily weights are ordered by the doctor this should be done at the same time each day and recorded.
If there is a weight gain of 5 pounds or more the doctor should called.
Many times there is swelling of the feet. When the individual is sitting both feet should be elevated.
Swelling sometimes occurs when the individual is on a specific medication.
14. If you press on the swollen areas with you finger and the indentation of your finger remains the doctor should be called.
Make a list of all the medications and dosage the individual is receiving. Also read all the material sent by the pharmacy for possible adverse effects. Update this list frequently for changes in dosage and new medications ordered.
This list should be taken with the caregiver when taking the individual to the doctor’s appointment or transfer to the hospital.
This list should be taken with the caregiver when taking the individual to the doctor’s appointment or transfer to the hospital.
The blinds should be open or a light should be tuned on, as a darkened room can be depressing.
It is important to follow the diet ordered .When shopping read the labels on canned goods for the sodium content. Fresh vegetables and lean meats should be considered. When preparing meals avoid cooking with salt. Mrs Dash is something that can be used as a substitute.
Make sure there are night lights in the individual’s room and the hallways.
The walking areas must be free of clutter, throw rugs and any small objects that could cause the individual to fall.
If the individual has been placed on an exercise program this should be planned after a rest period.
Follow up visits to the doctor are important and must be kept. When going to the doctor remember to take the list of medications with you and be sure it is updated.